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Slovenia Simon Zavsek s.p.

Spring Water; Baby Milk; Baby Cream; Baby Food; Wine

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Slovenia Simon Zavsek s.p. - Company Introduce
We are a Slovene based company with over 10 years of extensive experience in trading products with Asia, Europe and USA. 

Our strong relationships with manufacturers from every industry ensure that we are very important when acquiring products for our clients at special rates. 

We are granted exclusive rights to sell cosmetic creams from Polish company Red Pharma for China/HK market. Those cream are made under high European standards and they are unique on the market. 

We are granted exclusive rights to sell cosmetic creams from French company 1001 for China/HK market. Those cream are made in France under high European standards and they are bio-cosmos organic cosmetic creams for babies. 

We are also exclusive distributors for spring H20 water (which is one of the best spring water in Europe by laboratory analysis) and also for other products like olive oil, beer, biscuits, snacks, wine … 

(www.worldinout.com)  [Details]
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